Hillfield Strathallan College, Hamilton, ON

Centrally located on a beautiful campus in Hamilton, Ontario, Hillfield Strathallan College (HSC) is a prestigious independent school with a multitude of amenities. Contracted in 2023, Nustadia Recreation Inc. now overseas the College’s entire summer day-camp program and year-round facility rentals. The inventory of rentable spaces includes, seven gymnasiums, eight grass fields, four tennis courts, an auditorium, a fitness centre, an athletic studio, meeting rooms and a selection of music, art, and culinary classrooms.

Within the first year of the agreement Nustadia Recreation Inc. was able to increase facility rentals, modernize the booking process, solidify risk mitigation systems, and streamline camp offering while increasing registrations.

In March 2024, Hillfield Strathallan College became home to the annual Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair (BASEF) with the assistance of Nustadia Recreation Inc

For More Information Contact:

Celeste Settle,
Manager of Camps & Facility Usage
299 Fennell Ave W
Hamilton ON L9C 1G3
e. csettle@nustadia.com