Emera Oval & LeBrun Arena, Halifax, NS

After the successful collaboration with Nustadia Recreation Inc. (Nustadia) at the HRM 4Pad and RBC Centre in Dartmouth, Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) expanded their scope of operations and maintenance to include the Emera outdoor skating oval.  The Oval was first used for the 2011 Canada Games as the long track speed skating competition venue, in the downtown Commons.  Further to this management responsibility, HRM requested that Nustadia take on the same responsibility of the Lebrun Arena, a single pad facility in Halifax.

The Nustadia management team has the community at heart. Working together, HRM and Nustadia developed a Community Access Plan that values gender equity, fully accessible facilities, community inclusion at all levels, sport development and personal growth through active lifestyles.


For More Information Contact:

Bill Cruickshank,
General Manager
Greenfoot Energy Centre & RBC Centre
61 Gary Martin Drive,
Bedford, NS, B4B 0G7
t. 902.835.5454
e. bcruickshank@greenfootenergycentre.ca